the house is cold
and the snow falls
and i can feel my soul cave in on itself
the doctor calls is seasonal affective disorder
that i don't get enough sunlight
and that's why i feel so empty
but it's not the sun
and i'm not empty
its just that the moon is with me longer
and she makes me feel everything
and my soul can only feel so much
at one time
that's why i can't function in the winter
she fills me up so much
that i can't lift my head against the weight
and my heart can't pump properly
with the entire universe crammed inside it
hell, it's a miracle that i'm breathing
but i don't mind
i'm just grateful that i'm feeling
because for so many years i was numb
and the moon tried to shine into me
but the bruises were too dark for light to pass through
so now i bask in her glow
and listen to everything she has to say
because i want to hear it all
i want to feel everything i can possibly feel in a lifetime
and if that means the snow should fall
let it storm
and if the house will be cold
let it freeze
Chills. In the loveliest way.