Thursday, March 13, 2014

Here's a List of Things That Bother Me

  1. The Patriarchy
  2. That all final projects are due the same week
  3. My performance at Speak For Yourself
  4. Numbered list
  • My TMJ
  • The fact that I am attracted to Colin Firth and have been since the age of 7
  • Mel Gibson
  • People that take pictures of their Starbucks orders
  • Jaywalkers
  • My lack of will to do anything of importance
  • How the mythology in the Marvel version of Thor is completely inaccurate
  • My weight
  • Taxes and the fact that I now must legally pay them
  • That Coffee Crisps are not sold in the United States
  • Shaving my legs
  • 14 year olds who smoke pot and feel the need to tell us all about it
  • That Jason Derulo says his name in every single one of his songs
  • My new manager at work and his general creepiness
  • ModBod’s
  • Intense sports fans
  • The fact that we start school at 7:45 am and get out of school at 2:15
  • Asthma
  • When girls act stupid to get attention
  • When boys act stupid to get attention
  • PDA
  • When my cat throws up on the carpet
  • My future student loans
  • The fact that I’m bothered by my weight
  • Gender Inequality
  • Tumblr’s post limit
  • Second hand smoking
  • Children from the ages of 0-21   *I’m 18 years old
  • My Humanities project that’s due tomorrow
  • Unfinished lists

P.S. I couldn't write about death this week.

You know why.


  1. I love the honesty of this post, and how you changed it from a numbered list. Everything about it is great actually.

  2. This list somehow captures everything I love about who you are. [my sufficient and limited knowledge]

  3. The Jason Derulo one, yes yes.
    I love lists, this one in particular. Love specific.

  4. I know why.

    Shaving my legs.
    14 year olds who smoke pot and feel the need to tell us all about it.

  5. I didnt realize how many things I hate until this post.

  6. I love this post because i can relate to every freaking thing and i just like your blog a lot

  7. I want to copy and paste this and take it as my own.

    I won't, though.

    But like RETWEET about the coffee crisps. Mostly I just want a Wunderbar if you know what I mean.
