Sunday, July 13, 2014

casual sex

i read an article on the perks and benefits of casual sex (because that totally pertains to me).

it said that it can boost your self esteem and your confidence.

and for many people that may be the case.

and if that's the case for you than that's great (but for the love of humanity use protection).

but i know for a fact that casual sex would tear my soul apart.

because i can't even kiss a guy without professing my love for him on the second date.

love was never a casual thing for me.

and i know that for everyone else sex and love are completely different.

but to me their one and the same (theoretically, i mean i'm a virgin what would i know).

so i guess i'm just letting you know i fall too easily.

and i don't break, i shatter.

so please don't be casual with me.

because chances are i'm already in love with you.

and if you don't love me than just don't talk to me.

because i'm tired of trying to put together my shattered heart.


  1. "and i don't break i shatter. so please don't be casual with me." killer.

  2. YES please don't be casual with me.

  3. I'll keep this in mind the next time I try to have sex with you


  4. Also, this was perfect.
    "love was never a casual thing for me."

    I don't know why I felt the need to comment twice, but.

  5. "Love was never a casual thing for me."

    Also, I'm digging the new blog design.

  6. I agree with everyone. That line = #stolen
