Sunday, September 29, 2013

My Mind Won't Shut Up Tonight

Take my arm.
I want you to look at it closely.
Do you see the small mole?
Do you see my veins?
Do you see the green blood pulsing underneath them?
But you can see the green right?

Notice how fair my skin is.
Its practically a spring roll wrapper.
Its thin and opaque enough to see through.
Like my soul.

I'm just messing with you.
I don't have one.

Politics are thin and opaque.
The participants think that they put up a thick wall,
made up of promises, speeches and white teeth.
But really if you step back and look closely,
all you can see is money and affairs.
Oh and corruption.
That too.

You know what's corrupt?
The way my mother plays Monopoly.
*canned laughter*

Man, Regina Spektor gets me.
Her songs are written like the thoughts that
go through my brain.
That and she has a thing for red lipstick too.

Its been a while since I've kissed someone.
That sounds nice right about now.
I wonder what its like to be in a relationship with someone
who is willing to kiss you whenever you like?
Is it amazing?
Or would you just get bored of kissing the same person all the time?
Would you ever want variety?
I guess not if you really really like that person.
Maybe it would get better every time.
But I wouldn't know.

I don't know what the hell I'm doing.
What am I doing with my life?
Oh right, I spend about 3 plus hours on the internet and Tumblr everyday.
That's what I'm doing.
But where is that going to take me?
Probably to a new therapist.
And what will the therapist tell me to do?
To get off the computer and make friends, maybe date around.
Can I do that?
Probably not.

What was I talking about?


  1. You're crazy. In a good way.

    I almost stole the quote about your mom. But then I read the kissing part.

  2. I love you. oh and Regina, I love her too.

    This was amazing! And the part about kissing....really hit home. And it hurt. But it was a good hurt? Thanks for this.

  3. ps. could you pretty please take off the comment verification...gracias.

  4. I did steal the quote about your mom.
