Tuesday, October 15, 2013


You want to know what my space jam is?
I guess I'll just say it.

My space jam would be to be put on the damn Hall of Fame.

I just want my work to be appreciated and recognized.
But you know what the worst part of all this is?
I can't fully be recognized because none of you even know who I am.
You don't see me in the halls.
You don't see that I'm sitting right next to you in class.
You don't pay attention to my comments and inputs.
You wouldn't even care if I dropped out of school because I am invisible to you.
You only notice me when I comment on your own posts that are filled with hipster angst and gifs.

Even then you only see me as Charles.

I guess I just want someone to say "(my real name) did a great job. Did you see their post? The symbolism in it was incredible! And the realness of it?! Man, you guys really need to read it."

That's all I want.

I just want you to like me.

I hate you all,
Charles Darnell


  1. Most people probably agree with you. I do.

  2. I laughed. And cringed.


    This is what's wrong with a hall of fame. Just because I liked it doesn't mean it's the best. I'm a sucker for hipster angst and GIFs.

    But that whole thing about being invisible. I couldn't agree more.

  3. p.s. Your comment verification is still YES.


  4. Hey, thanks for hitting the nail on the head, cause it's true. A little awkward because it made me reflect if my angry writing is coming off as 'hipster angst'...but this post is so true. I'm glad someone had the guts to come out and say it. Alice is right, most people probably agree with you. I totally agree with you. But then...I guess we all have to appreciate our own writing for what it is, even if no one else does. And sometimes, our writing will only ever mean something to us, but the fact that we even attempted to 1) come to terms with our feelings and 2) try to express them in the healthy and beautiful way of writing...man, that goes in its own hall of fame. Not as cool, cause not as much recognition, but in the end, it still all means the same. Sorry, that was my tangent for the night...anyway, good post. Thanks again.
