Sunday, October 20, 2013


Do you ever make mistakes or say things that make you inevitably regret everything you have ever done that lead you up to the moment you screwed up?

Yeah, me too.

Until recently, I assumed that art should be created one way (see post no.2). Until recently, I thought that only deep, symbolic, wordy art was the only true art there was. In how I create art, that may be the case, but it is not the case for everyone else. I was only seeing art through my eyes, and not through the eyes of the artist themselves.

Basically what I'm saying is that I thought I was a Parisian native walking through the Louvre, knowing all the pieces and the history behind them all when in all actuality.... I was a Canadian tourist wearing white sneakers and just waiting to see the Mona Lisa.

As I sit here and watch Hugo for the thousandth time, I finally see now that we are not to judge or understand art if we don't even know who the artist is. We can not fully know how to interpret it if we do not know the history that came before the art. All we can do is appreciate it for what we see in it as an outsider, because all art deserves praise. All art deserves to be accepted.

My humblest apologies,
Charles Darnell

1 comment:

  1. Mmm...this is good stuff.

    And probably hard to admit (it would be for me). Apology accepted (not very necessary, but accepted. and I know it wasn't even for me, but I'll pretend it was.)
